Welcome to the John Bentley School Maths Department Blog.
This is somewhere for members of the JBS community (students / parents / staff) to share all things mathematical. We would like to encourage as many of you as possible to contribute to this blog.
To contribute you can email your article (with pictures, if appropriate) directly to the blog. Until a direct address is set up, please email potential articles to Mr Smy directly. The address can be found at Scr.im/jbsmaths .
Possible ideas -
- Bad maths. Have you seen any examples of bad maths offers in the shops, such as bread for £1 each or 2 for £3?!! Send them in.
- Have you used maths in any particular way?
- Have you heard or learnt any maths that made you think or you want to share.
- Have you got any mathematical questions you've thought of that you think others may be able to answer.
- Have you heard any good maths jokes recently (really!).
- .... anything at all!
Get writing!!