Thursday, 28 November 2013

Y10 The Apprentice 2013

Congratulations once again to year 10 on their business and enterprise task, planning an event.

In particular well done to teams that made a profit on this challenging task.  In second place was "Pete's Party" with a £2096 profit, and winning was Enchanted Events with a profit of £3137.50

House results are...

In 4th place - Shelburne
In 3rd - Fitzmaurice
In 2nd - Kerry,

and in 1st place Lansdowne - well done!

Further details to follow in time.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

KS3 Assessment dates 2013/2014

Here are the dates for assessments for years 7, 8 and 9 for the school year 2013/2014. 
Details of each term's content can be found here 

Year 7        
Term 1

Term 2

Term 4

Term 6
Setting test

Assessment 1 (non calc) Term 1 content

Assessment 2 (non calc): Term 2 & 3 content

Assessment 3 (calc): Term 4 & 5 content
Js Thurs 5th (p2) Bs Fri 6th (p3)

Thursday 14th November (B)

Thursday 13th March (B)

Thursday 12th June (B)

Year 8
Term 2

Term 4

Term 6
Autumn Assessment (terms 1 & 2 content)

Spring Assessment (terms 3 & 4 content)

End of year Assessment (content from whole year)
Thursday 28th November P4 (B)

Thursday 20th March P1 (A)

Exam week beginning 24th June

Year 9

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6
Term 1 content (non calc.)

Term 2 content (calc)

Mock SATS (Functional Paper)
Term 3&4 content (non calc)

Functional Skills Exam (external)
Monday 7th October (B)

Wednesday 11th November (B)

Week beginning 27th Jan (A)

Wednesday 12th March (B)

Week beginning 28th April (A)

Week beginning 16th June (A)

Friday, 16 August 2013

More amazing results

A level day yesterday produced more amazing results for JBS maths students.
Pictured are Maddie and Lauren who each achieved the highest possible A* in A level maths, and A in AS level further maths.  Lauren also achieved the full 100 marks in the C3 paper!

Other notable individual performances were...
Luke Gazzard scored 100 in M1
Jack Conroy scored 100 in D1
Lydia West averaged 95/100 in further maths, and 97/100 in maths.
Well done all round!

Friday, 19 July 2013

Year 5 & 7 Theme Park 2013

Once again Year 7 and Year 5 took part in a competition to design the best theme park that they possibly could.

With many of year 7 having recently been to Paulton's park as their rewards trip for the year, they knew what would make a good day out.  This was their chance to put that into practice.

With a budget of £500,000 teams (in houses) had to choose how many of different sorts of rides, as well as the more mundane car parking, and toilet blocks; all important in a theme park.

As you can see, there was a lot to think about!

Here, from top to bottom, is the order of teams.  Well done to everybody, espeically to our Year 5 visitors who did stunningly well (and at one point looked like they were going to win the day!).  When you join year 7 you have every chance of winning the day outright!

This was also a house competition, and to make it fair we are taking the mean of every house team. Results for this are...

Well done to everyone that took part.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Open Evening 2013

Huge thanks to everyone that came to open evening last night!

We were very impressed by the number of our year 5 students who were able to answer our "Golden Question" from the year 5 lesson on Tuesday.

The question we asked them was...
What is 2 divided by 7 (mod12)
An amazing number of students were able to give us the correct answer; with the correct reasons.

To see the results of our Boys vs Girls competitions, and to see if people really could tell the differecne between value chocolate and Dairy Milk, or two different brands of orange squash, go to our Open Evening minisite here...

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

10BB Assembly - How children get to school around the world.

We decided that too many of us don't fully appreciate the fantastic education that we get.

This assembly shows how much some children appreciate their education, and how determined they are to get to school.  If in a few years we are competing for jobs against these people, how much harder will they have worked than us?

This assembly was inspired by a post on Google+ by +Ali Adelstein.  You can see the source material, and find out a lot more about all of the pictures at

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Year 11 and 13 Study Leave.

From Friday 24th May year 11 and 13 are on study leave.

Despite this, the exams are not until mid June.  Exact dates are...

Year 11 Linear exams are 11th and 14th of June
Year 11 Unit 3 is Monday 17th June

For Y13, C3 is on the 13th of June
C4 is on the 18th of June.

Lessons will continue right up until the exams.  For year 11 this is whenever you have maths on your timetable.  You will be able to come in and get help with your maths revision.

For Year 13, you are more than welcome to come in at any time, but there are certain times when we will be most available; when either group would have maths.  Those times are...

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Exams 2013 - what you need to get

With exams approaching fast, it is crucial you have an idea of what marks you will need in the exams to achieve the grade you want.
(If any of these calculators or resources stop working, can you please let me know by following this link).

Year 10:

You are doing GCSE Statistics this year.  Once you have your Controlled Assessment mark you can use This Calculator to work out what mark you need in the exam, for your target grade.

[If you are in Mr Smy's S1 class, use the A level links below...]

Year 11:

Your Unit 2 resits marks arrive in school on Thursday 18th April.  Once you know all of that you can use This Calculator to work out what you need in the final exam.

[If you are also doing Linear GCSE, then you can find the grade boundaries for Higher Tier here, and for Foundation tier here].

Year 12 and 13:

The grade boundaries, UMS converters, and AS/ A level calculators are all still on this site here.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Year 8 Item Exchange PSHEE

Another frantic PSHEE day from the Economic well being team has seen students buying and selling resources, before producing an advertising campaign for products as diverse as Mr Men Biscuits, Mouthwash and Hair Gel!

With points available in equal measure for both the creativity of the pitch, and the accuracy of the account keeping there were a range of skills being learnt and tested.

Here are the team scores!
This was also a house competition, and the house scores are...

Massive congratulations all round, for a fantastic day. If you took part in the day, why not leave a comment saying which bit you enjoyed the most? If you won, what do you think the key strategy was?

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Year 9 Guided choices

Thursday 21st February is the Y9 guided choices evening.

Here is our presentation about GCSE Maths, Statistics, and Functional Maths.

Questions?  Talk to Mr Smy, Mr Darton, or your Maths teacher.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Maths Challenges

It has been a busy week for Maths students.

On Tuesday February 5th eight intrepid year 7 set off for a Maths Challenge day at St Mary’s School.  There were teams from secondary schools across Wiltshire, and here is what our students have said about the day.

“The day was fun and interesting; the maths was very challenging” – Sanna Seager (7BB – Kerry)

“I particularly enjoyed the crossword puzzle – we really needed good teamwork”  Matt Evans (7BT – Shelbourne)

“The whole day was really good, but I especially enjoyed the reley, working as a team to get the answers” – Amber Barrett (7BE – Fitzmaurice)

“The entire day was good, and it made us realise how much more maths there is to learn” – John Cook (7BE – Shelbourne)

“It was a really good day, and I particularly enjoyed the relay” – Harriet Brown (7BE – Fitzmaurice)

“I really had fun working as a team” – Leah Kent (7BN – Shelbourne)

“I was disappointed we didn’t win, but am really proud of how hard we worked and tried” – Adam Richards (7BE – Lansdowne)

“It was a fun day, and it was great to work against lots of new schools”  Molly Shearsby (7BE – Lansdowne)

Mrs Willoughby took the teams over the St Marys, and was very impressed with their behaviour, determination and effort.  A level Mathematicians Mike Willkins and Lydia West also went with them, and were similarly impressed, with Lydia commenting “the maths they were asked to do was really challenging!”

Thursday saw 59 students from Y9 and Y10 take part in the UK Intermediate Maths Challenge.  More details about that when the results are in.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Trig Graphs

You can use this applet to drag point C around the circle, and will be able to see how the points P and Q move.  If you right click on P or Q and "Show Trace" it will leave a path behind.

TrigTrace - GeoGebra Dynamic Worksheet


This is a Java Applet created using GeoGebra from - it looks like you don't have Java installed, please go to

C Smy, 23 January 2013, Created with GeoGebra

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Snow Day 18th Jan 2013

School is shut today due to the weather (Snow Day!), but the S1 and S2 exam is still on for y12/13 (and the y11 RS exam).
The exams start at 1pm and there will be hot choc / tea / coffee available in the canteen from 12:30.  Mr Darton will be there to resiter you.

If you are revising this morning, I am around on email, or on twitter (@jbsmaths).

Good luck this afternoon.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Year 11 module results

Year 11 you have got your module results today (Thursday Jan 10th).  The score on your results sheet will be a number (called UMS), and it will be helpful to you to convert this into a grade.

Here is the table that converts a UMS into a (decimalised) grade (it is the same scale for the unit 1 score you got last year).  (To open the table in a new window, Click here).


You can use our Grade calculator to give you an idea of what you need to get in the summer exam. Click here to find it.  (This calculator can get quite busy, and sometimes breaks - please bear with it and let Mr Smy know if it is giving silly or completely wrong values!)

Your maths teacher will talk to you over the next couple of weeks to work out the plan for moving forward, and achieving the highest possible grade for each of you.